Publications & Presentations
advancing our field
List of Publications

Parental Alienation and Factitious Disorder by Proxy Beyond DSM-5: Interrelated Multidimensional Diagnoses.
Using Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy / Factitious Disorder by Proxy and Parental Alienation as exemplars, this book advances a new diagnostic category for addressing complex pathological phenomena that integrates individual characteristics and symptoms, family as well as other system dynamics, under one diagnosis.
Purchase: Routledge Publishing | Amazon
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The Next Generation of Heroes and Heroines…
This book is about heroics, plain and simple. But, it is not about the swashbuckling, swaggering, shoot-’em up, go-it-alone, hero of past eras. Nor is it about those celebrities ascribed heroic status solely on the basis of their consumption or media attention. And, it is certainly not a long treatise on heroism from an academic standpoint; nor a pop instant hero recipe. The Next Generation of Heroes and Heroines is a short, thought-provoking book that challenges the idea of what a hero has been, and what a hero will be in the future amid the global challenges facing our societies.
Purchase: Amazon

Author’s Photo:
Dr. Michael Bütz (1993)

Chaos and Complexity: Implications for Psychological Theory and Practice
Published in 1997 by Taylor & Francis, this book was introduced by Robin Robertson, Ph.D. who wrote:
“I don’t think that anyone can read this book and not realize that chaos theory is far from fad, but rather represents a new way of thinking about all of reality. This…may well become the standard introduction to chaos theory for years to come.”
Dr. Robertson was correct in his predictions, and this book was well received both by experts in the field; and, practicing behavioral health clinicians for whom the book was written.
Purchase: Routledge Publishing | Amazon

Strange Attractors: Chaos, Complexity, and the Art of Family Therapy
Published in 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, this book was a collaboration with good colleagues and friends Linda Chamberlain, Psy.D. and William McCown with whom Dr. Bütz presented papers and symposia nationally over many years. One review by Fred Abraham, Ph.D. stated:
“Family interaction is one of the most important areas of the application of the dynamics of change. This book does an outstanding job of demystifying a complex science and blending the technical and metaphoric.”
We were honored by Dr. Abraham’s words and this book was, again to our delight, well received both by experts in the field; and, practicing behavioral health clinicians for whom the book was written.
Purchase: Amazon

Clinical Chaos: A Therapist’s Guide to Nonlinear Dynamics and Therapeutic Change
Colleague and friend Linda Chamberlain, Psy.D. with whom he presented papers and symposia nationally over many years – as well as several other authors in the book.
The essence of the book is that psychology and social sciences are in need of a new foundation, one that provides a better model for understanding complex behavior. Chaos theory, and it’s newest permutation, complexity theory, offers an innovative, exciting and potentially revolutionary leap forward in the evolution of scientific thought…
Purchase: Routledge Publishing | Amazon
Recent Works and Works-in-Progress
Bütz, M. R., English, J.V. & Meyers, J.E. (in progress). Test Raw Data, Science, Ignorance, and Sellouts: Preserving the Integrity of Psychological Assessment. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Bütz, M. R. (in progress). A process to determine child competency and Miranda warning capacity: A three-legged stool, the FIT-R, and Grisso’s Miranda Instruments. Unpublished manuscript.
Bütz, M. R., Clark, J., Roberts, C. (in progress). Parental Alienation, a suggested re-unification protocol for an alienated child: Mindful of Interrelated Multidimensional Diagnoses. Unpublished manuscript.
Bütz, M. R. (in progress). Protecting Televideo Therapy Sessions in Parental Alienation and Other Restricted Access Cases, During This Time of COVID-19 and Otherwise, When Practitioners with a Particular Expertise is Required. Unpublished manuscript.
Bütz, M. R. and Miller, R.M. (in progress). Interrelated Multidimensional Diagnoses Inventories© (Factitious Disorder by Proxy and Parental Alienation). Unpublished,
Bütz, M. R. and Rock, K. (in progress). Interrelated Multidimensional Diagnoses Motions© (Factitious Disorder by Proxy and Parental Alienation). Unpublished,
Bütz, M. R. (2020). Interrelated Multidimensional Diagnoses Checklists© (Factitious Disorder by Proxy and Parental Alienation). Published online,
Bütz, M. R. (2020). Parental Alienation and Factitious Disorder by Proxy Beyond DSM-5: Interrelated Multidimensional Diagnoses. Routledge Publishers: New York, New York.
Bütz, M. R. (in progress). A structural model for the conceptualization and treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Unpublished manuscript.
Bütz, M. R. (2020). Behavioral healthcare and primary care, models of integration, and this modality’s place in the continuum of services… Mental Health and Family Medicine, 16, 913-917.
Bütz, M. R. and Tynan, W.D. (2019). Integrating behavioral healthcare and primary care, appropriate balance on what model is driving care, and, the whole spectrum is coming through the door… Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, DOI 10.1007/s10880-019-09679-3.
Bütz, M. R., Schwinn, C. and Chamberlain, L. (in progress). Transforming Crisis Theory: Moving from stasis to developmental adaptation. Manuscript in revision for publication.
Bütz, M. R. and Evans, F.B. (2019). Factitious Disorder by Proxy, Parental Alienation, and the Argument for Interrelated Multidimensional Diagnoses. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 50(6), 364-375.
Bütz, M. R. (2019). Integrating healthcare requires caution. The National Psychologist, 28 (1), 8-9.
Bütz, M. R. (2018). Integrating behavioral healthcare and primary care, and the necessity of breaking the glass to preserve the HIPAA Privacy Rule and 42 CFR... The Montana Psychologist, 6-9, June, 2018.
Bütz, M.R. (September 24, 2017). Guest opinion: Reckless attempt to repeal Affordable Care Act. Billings Gazette: Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M.R. (June 25, 2017). Guest opinion: Guest opinion: Reform’ could leave Montanans uncovered. Billings Gazette: Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M.R. (March 18, 2017). Guest opinion: Congress should extend behavioral health care. Billings Gazette: Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M. R. (2017). Nonlinear dynamics retrospective impact on psychological theory and practice, and, a roughed out formula for crises. Requested book chapter for quaderni di matematica (vol. 29), Overlapping of Mathematics and Humanities. Aracne editrice International: Rome, Italy/Goodyear, Arizona.
Bütz, M.R. (2021, May 21). Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy/Factitious Disorder by Proxy : Interrelated Multidimensional Diagnoses. Zoom One-Hour Workshop via Zur Institute,
Bütz, M.R. (2021, April 16). Parental Alienation, an Introduction to Interrelated Multidimensional Diagnoses. Zoom One-Hour Workshop via Zur Institute,
Bütz, M.R. (2021, February 3). Brown Bag – Conducting a Proper Mental Status Interview. Presented at St. Vincent Healthcare Behavioral Health Associates Monthly Inservice, Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M.R. (2020, December 16). Clinical Staffing… Recognizing Seizure Disorders. Presented at St. Vincent Healthcare Behavioral Health Associates Monthly Inservice, Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M.R. (2021, January 6). Brown Bag – Assessing Danger to Self or Others. Presented at St. Vincent Healthcare Behavioral Health Associates Monthly Inservice, Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M.R. (2020, December 16). Clinical Staffing… Recognizing Seizure Disorders. Presented at St. Vincent Healthcare Behavioral Health Associates Monthly Inservice, Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M.R. (2020, December 2). Brown Bag – Ethics, Mandated Reporting, and Dangerous Patients… Presented at St. Vincent Healthcare Behavioral Health Associates Monthly Inservice, Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M.R. (2020, November 20). Parental Alienation, an Advanced Course in Interrelated Multidimensional Diagnosis. Zoom Six-Hour Workshop via Meetings Northwest,
Bütz, M.R. (2020, November 4). Brown Bag – Psychosis and Substance Induced Psychoses… Presented at St. Vincent Healthcare Behavioral Health Associates Monthly Inservice, Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M.R. (2020, October 7). Brown Bag – Assessing Suicidal Risk 3 of 3. Presented at St. Vincent Healthcare Behavioral Health Associates Monthly Inservice, Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M.R. (2020, September 18). Parental Alienation, an Interrelated Multidimensional Diagnosis. Zoom Four-Hour Workshop via Meetings Northwest,
Bütz, M.R. (2020, September 2). Brown Bag – Assessing Suicidal Risk 2 of 3. Presented at St. Vincent Healthcare Behavioral Health Associates Monthly Inservice, Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M.R. (2020, August 19). Brown Bag – Assessing Suicidal Risk 1 of 3. Presented at St. Vincent Healthcare Behavioral Health Associates Monthly Inservice, Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M.R. (2020, July 15). Reading and Understanding Psychological Assessments: What Should be in Them and Basic Training for the Work. Presented at St. Vincent Healthcare Behavioral Health Associates Clinical Staffing, Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M.R. (2020, July 1). Adverse Drug Reactions and Co-Occurring Substance Abuse/Mental Health Diagnoses. (Session 2). Presented at St. Vincent Healthcare Behavioral Health Associates Monthly Inservice, Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M.R. (2020, June 3). Adverse Drug Reactions and Co-Occurring Substance Abuse/Mental Health Diagnoses. (Session 1). Presented at St. Vincent Healthcare Behavioral Health Associates Monthly Inservice, Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M.R. (2020, May 20). Identification of Dementia. Presented at St. Vincent Healthcare Behavioral Health Associates Clinical Staffing, Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M.R. (2020, May 6). How to see systems: Baumrind’s parenting styles and Olson’s Circumplex Model. (Presentation 3 of 3). Presented at St. Vincent Healthcare Behavioral Health Associates Monthly Inservice, Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M.R. (2020, February 28). Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy, Factitious Disorder by Proxy, Related Conditions, and Proposed Interrelated Multidimensional Diagnoses. Presented at St. Vincent Healthcare Grand Rounds, Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M.R. (2020, March 4). Interrelated Multidimensional Diagnoses, Relational Problems, and DSM Diagnoses; what’s the difference? (Presentation 1 of 3). Presented at St. Vincent Healthcare Behavioral Health Associates Monthly Inservice, Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M.R. (2020, January 18). Parental Alienation, an Interrelated Multidimensional Diagnosis. Presented to Crossway Counseling as a one-day workshop, Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M.R. (2020, January 15). Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy, Factitious Disorder by Proxy, Related Conditions, and Proposed Interrelated Multidimensional Diagnoses. Presented at St. Vincent Healthcare Behavioral Health Associates Monthly Inservice, Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M.R. (2019, November 30). Suicidal Behavior: Information, Risk and Management. Presented at St. Vincent Healthcare Grand Rounds, Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M.R., Invited Address (2019, August 29). Crisis Shelters and Systems Overview for Yellowstone County Commissioners, Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M.R. (2019, August 28). Fielding Phone Calls and Managing the Front Desk in Behavioral Health. Presented St. Vincent Healthcare Behavioral Health Associates Monthly Inservice, Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M.R., Panelist (2019, April 26). Round Table Discussion with Congressman Gianforte on Suicide and Behavioral Health, Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M.R. (2019, March). Suicidal Behavior: Information, Risk and Management. Presented St. Vincent Healthcare Behavioral Health Associates Monthly Inservice, Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M.R. (2018, December-2019, February). Reconceptualizing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Cluster C Personality Functioning. Presented St. Vincent Healthcare Behavioral Health Associates Monthly Inservice, Billings, Montana.
Bütz, M.R., Hamilton, E., Nordstrom, T. and Ryan, E. (2018, September). Mutuality of Services: Primary Care Integration and Specialty Clinics. Presented at Montana Psychological Association Fall Conference on Behavioral Healthcare Mutuality: Primary Care Integration and Specialty Clinic Services, Doubletree Inn Billings, Montana.